Photography Project 52 Week 48 – Dark

Photography Project 52 – Week 48 – Dark

What is Project 52? – Take one picture this week using the weekly theme of Dark to prompt your creativity.

  •  Why do it? – We hope to improve our picture taking skills, become more creative & make friends in the process! 

  •  Weekly themes will be posted each Friday morning.  You are encouraged to share your images in the comments and on our Facebook page, or Facebook group.  All skill levels are welcome as this is an opportunity to share and learn together no matter when we start out.  We’ll do shout outs and favorite shares from the prior weeks assignments on Facebook and on our weekly theme articles.

All things Dark.  Shooting with darkness and shadows is so much fun when you learn to find the light and highlights to make your subject really stand out.  I think we both had some fun with our kiddos putting together this weeks inspiration images.


The tornado display is pretty awesome.  Not long ago my family was a local museum and my daughter was completely enthralled with a similar one just like Kesti’s son!   As a parent it is so amazing to watch the kids as their little brain neurons are making those millions of connections while they experience life and learn.  Will they be smarter and learn more quickly then when I was a kid for all the more amazing things available for them now a days?  Who knows, but it sure helps keep my brain fresh and engaged!  If you don’t use it, you lose it and all that…



We went back and did some editing on this one to show how you can change things up a bit when you are limited by what is available to photograph and where you want the attention to be.



Miss Madison was cracking me up with her all black ensemble so we did an impromptu photo shoot.  The problem?  Sometimes photographer moms should NOT photograph their own kids.  Just sayin’.   She was looking all uncomfortable and holding her body in extremely weird positions.  As I was trying to coach her into relaxing and being herself, the tears came out for a moment.  It really worked with the ‘Dark’ theme though so I went with this one vs. the very next super smiley shot taken about 30 seconds later.  It is pretty hilarious to look at my series of shots taken most of the time.  Sometime it would be fun to share on here.  Adventures of a photographer mom photographing her kids.  40 expressions in 50 frames  or something silly like that.  I love images of my sweet girl no matter her expression or weirdness.


Would love to see your images!!

Please feel free to jump on board with Everyday Creative’s Project 52 anytime!  We would love to see your images for this weeks prompt of  Dark!  Share in the comments, on our Facebook page or join our Facebook group.  

Here is the list of all our past prompts with links to the articles to see more of our image shares.



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Photography Project 52 – Week 50 – Brown | Everyday Creative - […] Week 48 – Dark […]December 21, 2015 – 10:20 am

Photography Project 52 Week 49 – selfie | Everyday Creative - […] Week 48 – Dark […]December 11, 2015 – 3:14 pm

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