Everyday Creative’s Project 52 – Week 47

Photography Project 52 – Week 47 – Down

What is Project 52? – Take one picture this week using the weekly theme of Down to prompt your creativity.

  •  Why do it? – We hope to improve our picture taking skills, become more creative & make friends in the process! 

  •  Weekly themes will be posted each Friday morning.  You are encouraged to share your images in the comments and on our Facebook page, or Facebook group.  All skill levels are welcome as this is an opportunity to share and learn together no matter when we start out.  We’ll do shout outs and favorite shares from the prior weeks assignments on Facebook and on our weekly theme articles.

Continuing our use of opposite theme’s we are going for Down after doing Up last week!  I don’t know about you, but when I have a very specific prompt the opposite of that prompt is usually what catches my eye.  It must be the contrary artists mentality in action.  Whenever someone tells me something or shares an experience my first response is usually to consider the opposite point of view.  🙂  Well, it is how we grow and helps us understand out oppositions in life.  At church, my service is in the children’s program.  It is amazing.  Kids are spectacular, funny, annoying, loving, jittery, sweet and they are so in tune with the spiritual part of life.  Many people feel it is not a very great place to serve and often express those feelings quite vocally.  Let me tell you how very refreshing it was this last Sunday to speak with our new 8-12 year old girls program assistant to review her responsibilities who was absolutely tickled and plain out eager to begin her service!  What a great lesson in approaching things with gladness and a positive spirit that I plan on incorporating more into my current life.


But I digress….  We are looking for down.  The topic that is.  At first I was imagining being depressed or sad, but then I saw the cutest art project my kindergartener and his fellow classmates made.  Looking Down is how I put this image into the theme.  These little worms with faces are so adorable and colorful.  Landon did a great job on his.  Since my volunteer hours are to take pictures throughout the year to create a pretty awesome yearbook for his tiny Montessori school of 14 kids, this image is a picture of Hunter’s worm.  lol  They do the cutest lunch for themselves and the parents each year to the story of Stone Soup.  My kids have all loved it and I have yet to read the story…



Kesti got Down on her son’s level and he is Down in the sand.  I love the peaceful look he has.



Would love to see your images!!

Please feel free to jump on board with Everyday Creative’s Project 52 anytime!  We would love to see your images for this weeks prompt of  Down!  Share in the comments, on our Facebook page or join our Facebook group.  

Here is the list of all our past prompts with links to the articles to see more of our image shares.



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Photography Project 52 Week 51 -Whatever | Everyday Creative - […] Week 47 – Down […]January 6, 2016 – 9:37 am

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