Everyday Creative’s Project 52 – Week 45

Photography Project 52 – Week 45 – Growth

What is Project 52? – Take one picture this week using the weekly theme of Growth to prompt your creativity.

  •  Why do it? – We hope to improve our picture taking skills, become more creative & make friends in the process! 

  •  Weekly themes will be posted each Friday morning.  You are encouraged to share your images in the comments and on our Facebook page, or Facebook group.  All skill levels are welcome as this is an opportunity to share and learn together no matter when we start out.  We’ll do shout outs and favorite shares from the prior weeks assignments on Facebook and on our weekly theme articles.


Growth has been a fun topic to think about as we prepared your inspiration images.  Kesti did a double take on the word this week with this great shot of the garden carrots and her three boys together.  In fact, it was exactly the idea I had to photograph my three kids together.  It was going to be them all standing back to back together, but we never did see all four of us together during daylight hours this last week!  It is fall after all which means lots of work for family photographers everywhere.

Have you ever looked at kids hands?  They change so very much from birth until adulthood as they grow and mature.  I absolutely love his hand positioning here as he inspects the carrots.

From Kesti: “I love being able to dig up carrots in October!  And Bridger is such a devoted garden helper.   My boys… this is growth to me because they seem humongous in this new picture, compared to the old photos of them from a few years ago that hang on my wall.  I need time to stand still!”




Such a cute image that really shows off the boys different personalities and heights.




This is one of my kids.  My youngest.  The exceptionally tall one.  When I thought of this topic, growth came to me more as a thought of how much I have grown as a photographer, each and every year.  This year was more about composition and small adjustments that I needed to make to help images really pop strait out of camera.  This one isn’t quite perfect, but the background definitely frames around and defines him.  A tad more symmetry would have made this truly eye catching.  This cutie pie had no patience for pictures that morning since he was taken away from his helping hand duties to come out his turn.  This kid definitely wants to be a leader in school and learn as much as he can, unless it is math then not super interested.



Would love to see your images!!

Please feel free to jump on board with Everyday Creative’s Project 52 anytime!  We would love to see your images for this weeks prompt of  Growth!  Share in the comments, on our Facebook page or join our Facebook group.  

Here is the list of all our past prompts with links to the articles to see more of our image shares.



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Photography Project 52 – Week 52 – Big | Everyday Creative - […] Week 45 – Growth […]January 25, 2016 – 4:46 pm

Photography Project 52 – Week 50 – Brown | Everyday Creative - […] Week 45 – Growth […]December 21, 2015 – 10:19 am

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