Everyday Creative’s Project 52 – Week 44

Photography Project 52 – Week 44 – Light

What is Project 52? – Take one picture this week using the weekly theme of Light to prompt your creativity.

  •  Why do it? – We hope to improve our picture taking skills, become more creative & make friends in the process! 

  •  Weekly themes will be posted each Friday morning.  You are encouraged to share your images in the comments and on our Facebook page, or Facebook group.  All skill levels are welcome as this is an opportunity to share and learn together no matter when we start out.  We’ll do shout outs and favorite shares from the prior weeks assignments on Facebook and on our weekly theme articles.


Aleesha speaking here: I am SO not a photographer, but I can’t help but notice the amazing use of light in the photo’s below.  Kesti does a fabulous job of using natural light to creat a soft inviting feel to this picture.  I also love how the blurred edges draw the eye to the center.  Great  photo Kesti!

EC-Kesti-Prog52-wk44-lightShannon is a master at using natural light to create an almost storybook feel to her photos.  Below are a couple of great examples of using beautiful natural outdoor light to create a warm inviting picture.



Would love to see your images!!

Please feel free to jump on board with Everyday Creative’s Project 52 anytime!  We would love to see your images for this weeks prompt of  Light!  Share in the comments, on our Facebook page or join our Facebook group.  

Here is the list of all our past prompts with links to the articles to see more of our image shares.



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Photography Project 52 Week 48 - Dark | Everyday Creative - […] Week 44 – Light […]December 11, 2015 – 12:23 pm

Everyday Creative’s Project 52 – Week 47 | Everyday Creative - […] Week 44 – Light […]November 30, 2015 – 6:37 pm

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